Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Summer Semester Review 2020: the ESCP online


Summer Semester Review - the ESCP online

Online teaching, online studying, online listening, online discussing, online ... everything. Even though the conditions during the summer term 2020 were not ideal and all our courses were held digitally, we are happy to report that the semester went very well.

The RCC's Lunchtime Colloquium Series had to pause, so we chose older presentations from the RCC’s YouTube channel and successfully linked them to the topics of the Reading Course. Everyone was highly motivated and students also participated enthusiastically in other seminars, such as:

Climate Ethics offered by Alexander Schulan, for which students wrote essays on topics such as “The moral uselessness of human population control” by Yannik Hecher. Furthermore, students had the chance to focus on different types of tourism, such as winter tourism, ecotourism, travel, or disaster tourism and to share their own experiences in Anna Antonova’s seminar on Tourist Landscapes.


Some good news for the future: Our planned excursions and field trips, such as a viticulture seminar, were not cancelled but just postponed until summer 2021.

While we are expecting a new cohort starting online in the winter semester 2020/21, there are nine students due to complete the certificate program this semester following the submission of their final projects. These projects represent the interdisciplinary knowledge, experience, and skills gained throughout the program. This semester's final projects dealt with topics such as "Rock Music and Environmental Protection," "Environmental Awareness in Times of Corona," and "Renaissance Literature as Green Religion." We are looking forward to publishing them on our website and encourage interested students to apply by September 20, 2020!

Enjoy the holidays!