Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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PLEASE NOTE: The following information is valid for the winter term beginning in 2022/23. For students who entered the program earlier, the rules and regulations from 2016 apply.

The Environmental Studies Certificate Program provides students who have an undergraduate degree and pursue either a master’s or a second bachelor’s degree with the opportunity to gain an additional interdisciplinary qualification in environmental studies. The international, interdisciplinary format, as well as the workshops and lectures held by environmental researchers from all over the globe, make this program the only one of its kind in Germany.

The qualification, consisting of 33 ECTS-credits over the course of four semesters, is completed alongside the main degree subject. It allows students to look beyond the confines of their disciplines and gives them a broader disciplinary base that is appreciated by employers both inside and outside of academia. The courses are offered in both English and German.

  • The current and complete course catalogue offered each semester is also available as a pdf download under Courses.
  • Please also have a look at the LMU's LSF for a preliminary list of courses.
  • For those interested in the variety of courses offered in the past, kindly look at our PDF Archive.

NB: The program's Examinations and Study Regulations remains conditional upon the resolution of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München's Board of University Representatives, subsequent consultation with the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts, and the final authorization of the President of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

1. Structure and Content

The Environmental Studies Certificate Program is an interdisciplinary program made up of modules and is intended to be completed in four semesters. The number of mandatory and elective modules required to complete the certificate program is a minimum of 33 ECTS credits (at least 14 semester hours). The certificate program comprises the following mandatory and elective modules:

  • The mandatory modules (P1 & P2) require regular attendance of the Lunchtime Colloquium at the Rachel Carson Center for two semesters as well as a related reading course on fundamental texts in environmental studies.
  • In addition, students must choose elective modules, or WP (Wahlpflichtmodul WP 1 to WP 37), from three of the following elective content areas: "Humans in the Environment," "Environmental Practice," "Environment and Responsibility," and "Sustainability and Environmental Sciences." Six ECTS credits must be acquired in each content area. Each WP module of an elective content area can only be counted once. It is possible to receive credits for an applicable module from the student's primary course.
  • One of the elective modules may be replaced by an optional internship (WP 5) or a study abroad program of at least four weeks (WP 5) in the content area of "Environmental Practice." This may be completed at any time during the program.
  • The students must submit a final project to complete the program. This may take the form of an exhibit (WP 38) or a publication (WP 39). The final project is worth eight ECTS credits plus an additional 1 ECTS through the mandatory final project colloquium.

For more information, please consult our "course of study" below (also available as a pdf download).

Website New Structure Certificate Program 2022


  • Mandatory module (P1): two semesters: ETCS credits 6
  • Elective modules in three of four possible content areas (WP 1-37): ECTS credits 18
  • Final project: either a publication or exhibition (WP 38 or 39): ECTS credits 9
  • Total: ECTS credits 33

Detailed Module Structure

Websitevorlage Modulstruktur

2. Admission Requirements and Eligibility 

  • Acceptance to the program requires students to have an academic degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent), a Vordiplom, or they must have passed the intermediate exams for a higher education degree of at least seven semesters, in Germany or abroad. In addition, they must currently be enrolled at a university and must demonstrate their suitability in a selection process as determined by the certificate program rules.
  • Applications for the winter semester must be submitted by 08 September to the Rachel Carson Center at LMU Munich

More information on how to apply

If you have questions please refer to our FAQs or contact us.
