Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Animated Film on Biodiversity

Appealing to an Audience of all Ages


by Pia Maria Schellerer
Supervisor: Dr. Gesa Lüdecke

Watch the entire film on Youtube!

Scientific publications are sometimes very complex and can only be understood with sufficient background knowledge. However, this is not (only) due to the scientific content itself, but much more due to the inaccessible presentation of the individual topics. This is the reason why I have created a short film about biodiversity in the form of a self-drawn animated film with a recorded soundtrack. In this film, the richness and significance of biodiversity for humans is roughly outlined, the topic is illustrated in a simplified way and the audience - who are unfamiliar with the term - are given a first overview of the expression.


Animated films make use of the fact that both visual and auditory learning types are addressed when conveying knowledge. In addition, animated films have the advantage that scientific information, important key points and concepts can be presented in a less complex, but short and precise way. Thereby, a very broad audience is addressed and on the other hand, animated films appeal to an audience of all ages and thus also to children.


Especially in the case of biodiversity, it is important to reach a large audience, as the environmental awareness associated with the term should not only affect single persons, but a large number of people, as it is essential for the existence of mankind and therefore urgently needs to be preserved. In addition, easier access to complex topics means that basic environmental concepts can be understood by children at an early age and awareness can be integrated into everyday life at an early stage. This is of enormous importance, because if we do not succeed in stopping the extinction of species and preserving the ecological infrastructure, serious economic and social consequences must be expected, as scarcer natural resources lead to conflicts, destabilise regions and encourage migration.

