Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Bio Leitzachtaler Ziegenhof & Billisberger Hof

Photographic Exhibition: the daily life and challenges of two organic farmers


by Gersiana Shkupa
advisor: Dr. Ursula Münster


The intention of my final project for the Environmental Studies Certificate Program is to show through photos and texts, how important the slow food concept and the conservation of biodiversity are for Bavaria’s farmers. I decided to observe and interview two organic farmers: the Leitzachtaler Ziegenhof and the Billisberger Hof. I have documented aspects of the farmer’s daily lives and inquired about their agro- ecological perspectives. My pictures are the result of  fieldwork carried out in Fishbachau and Moosinning in January and February, 2017. My main objectives are to show the ecology of sustainable food systems and, to present organic management, successful development of food production, and sustainable agriculture through the interviews with the farmers. I have been observing through the field research the farmers daily life and interviewing their sense of agro ecological perspectives. My pictures are the result of the fieldwork in Fishbachau and Moosinning in January and February 2017.

