Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Workshop with Dr Arran Stibbe on "Building an Ecosophy"

Ecolinguistics and Ecosophy

15.07.2016 10:00  – 12:00 

arran4Ecolinguistics is a recently emerging form of analysis where texts are interrogated for the underlying stories that they tell, and then these stories are judged against an ecological framework, or ecosophy.

An example would be analysis of the language of ecosystem assessment reports which reveals an underlying story that plants, animals and nature are resources for humans to exploit. The story is judged against the analyst's personal ecosophy, which may be that plants, animals and nature have intrinsic value and need to be respected.

The use of an ecosophy allows the analyst to judge texts using clear criteria, which are openly available to the reader. In this workshop we will be working on our own personal ecosophies, by looking at a wide range of available ecosophies from Cornucopianism to Deep Green Resistance. We will treat these ecosophies critically, rejecting some and weaving the others into a personal framework that can be used for ecolinguistics analysis.

The workshop with Dr Arran Stibbe takes place at the RCC´s conference room on the 4th floor. To get the required reading, please register for this workshop with katharina.mueller@rcc.lmu.de.