Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Environmental Psychology

23.04.2019 – 27.07.2019

Introduction to Environmental Psychology
A psychological approach to sustainable behavior

- with Dr. Gesa Lüdecke -

Many of today's social challenges involve human behavior in relation to the environment. We influence the environment and, in turn, are influenced by the environment, often without being aware of its reciprocal impact. This is the domain of Environmental Psychology: the study about the relationship between humans and the environment from a psychological perspective.

In this course, we focus on theoretical approaches within environmental psychology that study information processing, judgment and appraisal processes, and behavior. We will also make a brief excursion into communication to understand how underlying psychological patterns can impact our daily information reception, and thereby our daily routines. Above and beyond that we include cases and examples from actual practice that showcase how behavior might change in the world out there.

The goal of this seminar is to provide an introduction to theory and practice into the many facets of the field of environmental psychology.
