Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Be the Change You Witch to See

Modern Witches and Nature - Presenting Witches' Perspectives on Nature in a Zine


By: Sarah Kellner

Supervisor: Dr. Gesa Lüdecke

For my final project I wanted to explore the phenomenon of Modern Witches and their relationship with Nature. I had discovered the topic of modern witchcraft through pop culture and witch internet forums and was quite fascinated by it. Seeing that nature and the environment play a very important part in the practice of many of these modern witches, I wanted to find out more about this and also present my findings in a way that might inspire people to view the world and the nature that surrounds us in a witchy way and maybe gain a deeper sense of connection by doing so.


My project consists of a theoretical part where I first discuss the transformation of the term „witch“ over time as well as common misconceptions about what we think of historical witches. Then I describe the modern day phenomenon, which is very multi-faceted and spans from people (not only women!) who are formally initiated Wiccas, for example, to young internet witches trying spells and mixing potions. I also reviewed scientific literature regarding the connection between being a modern witch and environmental consciousness.


For the practical part of my project I contacted people who self-identify as witches and asked them to fill out a questionnaire I had designed. I was especially interested in their self-conception as a witch, how they came to identify as such and, of course, how they view their position in and relationship with nature, and how they incorporate this in their practices and rituals. I also asked each respondent to send a picture of an object from or place in nature that is especially important to them and explain why that is. The results from the survey were then used to produce a small zine, which showcases the respondents' opinions and views about nature, and combines this with the pictures I had received.
