Environmental Studies Certificate Program (EN)

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Vivian Schader

Vivian Schader, BSc

Certificate Student
Economic, Organizational and Social Psychology

With a strong passion for interdisciplinary societal approaches, Vivian is currently pursuing her master's degree in Economic, Organizational and Social Psychology at the LMU Munich.

During her BSc she completed an exchange program at the University of British Columbia in Canada, where she came into touch with complex issues regarding the role (and ongoing discrimination) of indigenous people and the local consequences of climate change and environmental pollution.

Through the environmental studies certificate program, she seeks to further explore how human psychological irrationalities could be addressed, enabling sustainable global action against the environmental crises of our time through local and effective interventions.

She believes if the need for environmental appropriate behavior is communicated in a way that takes into consideration human psychological core patterns, theory can be transformed into reality and international collaboration can shape a better future for our planet.